Which of the Following Best Describes the Scopes Monkey Trial
A it was argued by relatively unknown lawyers. Terms in this set 11 Fundamentalism. Online Essay Help Amazonia Fiocruz Br C it solidified a disbelief in evolution in the American public for decades to come. . It was argued by relatively unknown lawyers. Scopes Trial also called Scopes Monkey Trial July 1021 1925 Dayton Tennessee US highly publicized trial known as the Monkey Trial of a Dayton Tennessee high-school teacher John T. 500 Posted By. What was the final result of the scopes monkey trial. The jury decide that Scopes violated the Tennessee law of not teaching human evolution in the state funded school best describes the Scopes Monkey Trial. Activity 2 the scopes monkey trialdue17 This is your Activity 2 and it is a required assignment. Which of the following best describes the scopes monkey trial. Scopes was accused of violating Tennessee s Butler Act which had made it unlawful to teach human evolu...